S19-122 History and Literature of Early Rabbinic Judaism

9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Room: W181a - McCormick Place
Theme: Rabbis Confronting Empires: Rabbinic Readings of the Contexts of Imperial Power

Chaya Halberstam, University of Western Ontario, Presiding
Loren Spielman, Portland State University
Performance and Piety: Theaters and Synagogues in Later Rabbinic Culture (20 min)

Avram R. Shannon, Ohio State University
"And Enoch Walked With God:" Deification and Immortalization in Late Antique Judaism (20 min)

Jonathan Kaplan, Yale University
Recasting "The Four Empires" in Mekilta de-Rabbi Yishmael (20 min)

Jason Mokhtarian, Indiana University (Bloomington)
"If the haughty cease to exist, the magian priests shall cease to exist": Babylonian Rabbinic Rhetorical Engagement with the Persian Empire (20 min)

Isaiah Gafni, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Respondent (20 min)
Discussion (20 min)
Business Meeting (30 min)