Bible in Ancient and Modern Media
Joint Session With: Performance Criticism of Biblical and Other Ancient Texts, Bible in Ancient and Modern Media
1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Room: Room 33 C (Upper level) - San Diego Convention Center (CC)

Theme: Imprints, Voiceprints, and Footprints of Memory: The Work of Werner Kelber
This session honors and evaluates the contributions of Werner Kelber to ancient media and mnemonic culture, especially in light of the recent publication of his Imprints, Voiceprints, and Footprints of Memory (Society of Biblical Literature). Presenters have been invited in advance.




Tom Thatcher, Cincinnati Christian University, Presiding
Tom Thatcher, Cincinnati Christian University, Introduction (10 min)
Werner Kelber, Rice University
Toward a Media-Sensitive History of Early Christianity (45 min)
Break (5 min)
Ruth Finnegan, The Open University
Where Does the Bible Come From? (30 min)
Jin Han, New York Theological Seminary, Respondent (30 min)
Discussion (30 min)