Bible Translation
Joint Session With: Bible Translation, Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship at the American Bible Society
4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Room: Room 11 A (Upper level) - San Diego Convention Center (CC)

Theme: Performance Criticism and Bible Translation

Performance, Translation, and Identity
Daud Soesilo, United Bible Societies, Presiding
Richard Horsley, University of Massachusetts Boston
Performance and Identity in the Ancient World (45 min)
Elsa Tamez, United Bible Societies
Identity Issues in the Translation of the Performance of Sign Language (25 min)
Althea Spencer Miller, Drew University
A Postcolonial Feminist Contemplation of Translation, Performance, and Identity (25 min)
Nathan Esala, Lutheran Bible Translators
Ideology and Bible Translation: How Can Performance Criticism Help? (25 min)