Ancient Fiction and Early Christian and Jewish Narrative
1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Room: Room 30 E (Upper level) - San Diego Convention Center (CC)

Theme: Paired Stories





Judith Perkins, University of Saint Joseph, Presiding
Sara R. Johnson, University of Connecticut
The Great Mirror: Historical Fictions at Court, From Hellenistic Egypt to Heian Japan (25 min)
Chris Frilingos, Michigan State University
Unpairing and Repairing: Mary and Joseph in Ancient Christian Infancy Accounts (25 min)
Paulo Nogueira, Universidade Metodista de São Paulo - Brasil
Powerful Public Performances and Literary Subversion of Social Reality in the Early Christianity: The Case of the Apostle John in the Artemision (Acts of John 37–47) (25 min)
Richard I. Pervo, Saint Paul, Minnesota
An Odd Couple: Apuleius' Metamorphoses and the Acts of Thomas (25 min)
Teresa Morgan, University of Oxford
To Err Is Human . . . To Correct Divine? Paired Stories of Divine Responses to Human Error in Graeco-Roman and Christian Literature (25 min)
Business Meeting (25 min)