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Using Performance to Teach the Bible
Friday 16 November 2012, 01:00pm - 05:00pm
Hits : 445
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Using Performance to Teach the Bible

AAR/SBL in Chicago

Friday, November 16th, 1-5pm

This is a combination workshop and sharing session on using performance as a means to assist students with engagement of biblical texts. The workshop will include practical means for internalizing a biblical text for performance, improv techniques to explore dimensions of the text, dimensions of texts that are uncovered through performance, and applied wisdom from multiple practitioners of performance pedagogy. Leaders will include Tom Boomershine, David Rhoads, and Joanna Dewey. Printed syllabi, seminal articles, and an annotated bibliography provided for each participant. The workshop will meet from 1 to 5pm on Friday, November 16th. A suggested donation of $25 will be gathered at the workshop to help defray the costs. Registration limited to the first thirty-five people to sign up. For more information, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>. Sponsored by the program unit, The Bible in Ancient and Modern Media

Location Chicago, IL