S21-309 Bible in Ancient and Modern Media
11/21/2015 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Room: M102 (Marquis Level) - Marriott
Theme: Bible and Biblical Interpretation in Ancient and Modern Media BAMM invites papers related to the ancient and modern media contexts of biblical transmission and interpretation. We invite especially papers that address issues of literacy, textuality, scribality, and orality in Hebrew Bible/Old Testament research, New Testament and early Christianity research, and modern translation and pedagogy.
Ruth Ebach, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
“The Mountain Was Burning with Fire”: The Burning Horeb in Illustrations of Late Antiquity and the Biblical Exodus Story (30 min)
Werner Kelber, Rice University
Orality, Scribality, and the Concept of the Early Jesus Tradition (30 min)
Break (5 min)
Emmanuel Nathan, Australian Catholic University
His Story: The Characterization of Paul in Acts from the Perspective of Reputational Entrepreneurship (30 min)
Chris Porter, Ridley College
Reputation and Christology: A Corinthian Case Study (30 min)
Discussion (25 min)