S21-338 Performance Criticism of Biblical and Other Ancient Texts
11/21/2015 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Room: International 10 (International Level) - Marriott
Theme: Theory and Practice of Performance Criticism
Lee Johnson, East Carolina University, Presiding
Marvin Lloyd Miller, University of Manchester
Performances of Jeremiah 29: An Ethnopoetic Presentation (30 min)
Zvi Septimus, Cornell University
Musical Score Theory and the Performance of Ancient Texts (30 min)
Nicholas A. Elder, Marquette University
The Media Matrix of Mark and Matthew: From Gospel to Book (30 min)
Michael Whitenton, Baylor University
The Curious Case of the Teetotalling Jesus and Audience Inference in Mark 15:36 (30 min)
William D. Shiell, First Baptist Church of Tallahassee, Florida
"I Will Give You a Mouth and Wisdom": Prudent Speech in Luke 21:15 (30 min)