P23-241 Society for Comparative Research on Iconographic and Performative Texts
11/23/2015 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Room: 404 (Level 4) - Hilton
Theme: Sensing Books, Sensing Scriptures
SCRIPT fosters academic discourse about the social functions of books and texts that exceed their semantic meaning and interpretation, such as their display as cultural artifacts, their ritual use in religious and political ceremonies, their performance by recitation and theater, and their depiction in art.
Dorina Miller Parmenter, Spalding University, Presiding
Natalia Suit, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
How Printing Created Manuscripts: Aesthetic and Historical Approaches to Quranic Manuscripts (30 min)
Anne Clark, University of Vermont
Sensing Scripture in a Medieval Illustrated Prayer Book (30 min)
Yohan Yoo, Seoul National University
Sensory Readings of Classics: A Neo-Confucian Form of Spiritual Cultivation (30 min)
Richard Newton, Elizabethtown College
Sculpting “Source-Places:” Alex Haley “Wroughts” a Scripture (30 min)
Steve A. Wiggins, Independent Scholar
Sensing the Bible in the TV Series, Sleepy Hollow (30 min)